Asia Places

The Golden Triangle (India)
Delhi is the apex of the so-called Golden Triangle. In the southwest is Agra and in the northwest the exotic city of Jaipur. In Agra, just 200 kilometers from Delhi, is the world famous Taj Mahal.
It is one of the most wonderful places on the planet, where love erected the most beautiful monument in the world. The energy that is breathed is highly invigorating, since we are in the Coronary Chakra of the Planet, which will give us great mental openings. His virtue is Wisdom.
It is in China. It is a center where forgiveness energy manifests. Ascended teacher Kwan-Yin is the one who attends from this place. Irradiating energy Forgiveness and Mercy and allowing healing old and painful memories.

Malasia and Bali
Malaysia represents with epicenter in Kuala Lumpur the manifestation of the Golden energy. This prodigal manifestation of the Golden Ray will give us the opportunity to work to dissolve the non-positive aspects of Karma and the manifestation of our most precious projects.
In Bali is the energy of the Blue color that resides in the Kintamani Volcano (Pura Besakih Temple). From the manifestation of this triune flame: Golden, Pink and Blue, this corner of the world is designed for a meeting towards the distant and exotic and simultaneously towards our interior.
Through its thirty temples this Island is known as the residence of the Gods, such designation seems a preannouncement of earthly paradise, since according to the experts the only problem with the island is that people do not want to leave the place anymore. Specifically they are vortices of GOLD energy in Malaysia and RODA / BLUE MAGENTA in Indonesia (BALI).